Mia Dadian, LCMHCA

Hey, I am Mia and I am here to help your techie ADHD kid in the Charlotte area.

Here are the most important things about me:

  • Avid gamer
  • Prior counselor (Rockbrook Camp)
  • Straightforward approach
  • Ambivert 
  • Prior 2’s & 3’s teacher

I absolutely love working with kids ages 5-10 that don't quite have the confidence to join into social activities. They might avoid others, and spend time in their room with a world of 'online friends' that they will probably never meet.

➤ Is this you?

  • Your child has inattentive ADHD (ADD) and sometimes it feels like you’re talking to a brick wall. You’ve probably asked them to put away their laundry 5,000 times already today.
  • Your child is famous for forgetting the important stuff. You’re not quite sure why that homework never gets turned in. Their backpack is basically a graveyard of smooshed papers and there might be a rotting banana underneath it all.
  • Executive functioning never clicked for your kid- the whole planning and organizing of the day thing their friends do never has worked for your kid. It takes 20 minutes to get out the door- and that’s with forgetting their shoes twice.
  • You’ve tried all of the checklists and timers and rewards- and you now have a great junk drawer of things that never worked.
  • Your kid is the expert at Minecraft, Fortnight, Pokemon… nothing that feels relevant to the real world. You really wish they would come up to breathe, and hang out outside of their room with their real-life friends every once in a while.

➤ How can I help?

  • I teach transition systems that actually work: How to help your kid get out the door, learn how to be self-responsible and stay on top of their own to-do list.
  • For my kids who love gaming, I use ‘quests’ to help teach your child how to do the same objectives that they do in Minecraft but in the real world.
  • When video games dominate your child’s life, I help create balance between them and real life.
  • Being open to trying new things can be hard; I work with your child to develop new interests that don’t include electronics.
  • I help your child be proud of who they are and use those skills to increase self confidence and self-esteem. 
  • I teach social skills using gaming strategies to connect the dots between online friends and true friends.

If you are looking for my credentials, here they are:

  • Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor Associate in North Carolina (LCMHCA)
  • National Certified Counselor (NCC)
  • Master’s of Science in Counseling and Educational Development at University of North Carolina Greensboro
  • Pursuing Registered Play Therapist certification
  • North Carolina Native
  • Listed on CHADD
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