What Causes the Diagnosis of ADHD in Children?

Let’s address the elephant in the room- the one that brought you to this page. Did you cause your child’s ADHD diagnosis? The answer is no! Researchers are still working on figuring out the root causes of ADHD, but so far we know that the causes are associated with the prefrontal cortex.

➤ But what is the prefrontal cortex?

The prefrontal cortex is in the very front of the brain and it is best known for being in charge of executive function.

➤ What is executive function?

Executive functioning is the ability to problem solve, make decisions, plan ahead, and have long term goals. It is the mental skills required to remember things, be flexible and be less impulsive. When we have ADHD we have lower executive functioning. This means we have difficulties focusing, following directions, handling emotions and feelings. In fact, it even causes those with ADHD to be more explosive when they mad. 

Think of executive functioning has the Executive Assistant for the brain. It is all about managing the day to day tasks. And when it struggles it impacts everything from home, school, to life. For those with ADHD that includes the ability to pay attention, prioritize, start and finish tasks, prevent procrastination, remember what you have just learned, relocate things that have been lost and so much more.

Now that you know what ADHD is at the brain level, let’s discuss a bit more about what ADHD is and is not.

➤ Here are some suspected risk factors that may contribute to the diagnosis of ADHD?

  • Genetics – Relatives with a diagnosis of ADHD or another mental disorder 
  • Premature birth 
  • Drug or alcohol use during pregnancy 
  • Exposure to environmental toxins 
  • Brain injury

Remember: these are suspected. Researchers are still determining what actually causes a diagnosis of ADHD.

➤ But here is what we know it is not:

  • Parenting styles
  • Too much television
  • Too much sugar
  • Socioeconomic status

Yes, too much television and sugar can absolutely impact a child’s behavior, but it does not create ADHD. These things can exasperate an already ADHD child, but is not going to create it. You CANNOT cause ADHD. Your child is already ADHD the moment they are conceived. Genetically you cannot change it. Parenting wise, you can embrace it. We can teach you how. At Dandelion Family Counseling, we specialize in parenting support to help you learn how to take your parenting to the next level. Reach out because we are here to help.

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