Do Video Games Make ADHD Worse?

With electronic devices being easily accessible to kids, many parents worry about excessive screen time leading to shorter attention spans, little peer socialization, and mental health issues. For parents who have a child, or children, with ADHD this worry can be exacerbated since there are already issues with attention and social skills. These parents often wonder if video games play a role in the development of ADHD, or worsen the symptoms of ADHD. Here are answers to some of the questions parents may have about ADHD and video games. 

Do video games cause ADHD?

The answer is no. There is no evidence that video games can cause ADHD. However, if your child who doesn’t have a diagnosis is frequently gaming and showing symptoms of ADHD, you can take them for an evaluation. 

Why are people with ADHD more attracted to video games? 

Video games are extra-stimulating with bright lights, quick movement, and sound effects which hold the child’s attention. Plus, video games provide immediate reward. Video games can be thought of as a way for kids with ADHD to “self-medicate” because video games lead to an increase in dopamine that results in feelings of pleasure and reward. 

Do video games make ADHD worse? 

Put simply, too much of a good thing can be bad. Video games can make symptoms of ADHD worse if children begin to develop a gaming addiction as a coping mechanism. Parents can tell if their child has a gaming addiction or needs to decrease gaming time if these behaviors are exhibited: 

  • Fits or tantrums when asked to transition to a different task
  • Staying up all night to play or lying about the time spent gaming
  • Neglecting friends and family
  • Obsessive thoughts about gaming
  • Loss of interest in other activities that were pleasurable

Do video games have benefits for children with ADHD? 

Video games are not all bad. Video games can help build important skills such as: 

  • Visual-spatial skills
  • Hand-eye coordination
  • Strategy and problem solving
  • Planning, sequencing, and prioritizing
  • Collaboration and teamwork
  • Social skills such as communication 

Overall, video games have their positives and negatives! However, parents and kids can work together to determine an appropriate amount of time to dedicate to gaming, as well as come up with activities to do together to replace some of the time spent gaming. 


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