Counseling for Gifted ADHD Kids

Helping your child navigate their social challenges.

What is a twice-exceptional student?

A twice-exceptional student is an intellectually gifted child or pre-teen who also has one or more diagnosis. This could be a learning disability such as dyslexia, a medical condition, or it might be ADHD, Autism, SPD, anxiety, etc.

➤ Characteristics of a twice-exceptional student

  • They may be highly intelligent but appear average in school, initially excel in school and later struggle, or have exceptional strengths in some subject areas
  • Frequently have a wide vocabulary with several interests
  • They are frequently creative and think ‘outside the box’
  • Easily frustrated, especially by their peers
  • May argue, as if they have a need to be right
  • Sensitive to being criticized
  • Frequently poor study habits (do not study for tests or do homework)
  • Stubborn
  • Likely to be misdiagnosed with several diagnoses
  • Intellectually advanced for their age
  • Behaviorally immature for their age
  • May have a learning disability

Is this your child or teen?

➤ Why do they struggle at school?

Twice-exceptional means they are more likely to blend in and compensate for weaknesses, less likely to receive support at school, and more likely to be overlooked by pediatricians, counselors, and others that may not be educated in the importance of recognizing and supporting our twice-exceptional children. These students struggle because intellectually they are advanced and may become bored quickly. But, they also tend to have an academic weakness where they perform ‘average’ or ‘below-average.’ This discrepancy can cause anxiety, anger, school refusal and more.

➤ Why won’t the school help my child?

These children can be the masters of blending in! A twice-exceptional child might use their IQ to compensate in other areas they might struggle. A gifted ADHD child may be organized and appear very focused, while hiding their difficulties. These children tend to fall through the cracks of academia with many schools refusing to offer a 504/IEP due to academic achievement.

The Dandelion Difference

We do our best to make the process of therapy exactly what you need.

Yoga and Mindfulness

Social Skills Classes

Weekly Parent Sessions

Teacher Recommendations

Unlimited Calls and Email

Written Accommodations

Due to our intensive parenting support process, in addition to individual weekly child sessions, weekly parenting sessions are expected at the beginning of therapy.  The duration of these sessions depends on the level of distress in the family and the level of parenting needs. With meeting weekly, many families meet their goals in 6-8 months!

We specialize in working with and diagnosing twice-exceptional students. We complete a thorough assessment with you and your child before recommending the diagnosis.

Twice exceptional children typically require a different approach to counseling- traditional

settings may not work for them. These children frequently prefer to talk and strategize. They may go on tangents. They may come in with a mission. But one thing is always true- they need support just like anyone else.

We find these children tend to have higher anxiety because they are constantly battling to fit in. Self-esteem wise, they tend to be really low. They may have difficulty with transitions, and demand structure. All of the things that can be hard to make happen.

They can be difficult to parent because most parenting solutions will not work for them. Traditional parenting recommendations won’t work because they do not keep in mind the needs of twice exceptional children. This is where we come in- let’s problem solve and find solutions that truly work.

That is a common frustration for parents of twice-exceptional students. These children and teens require a different approach. We can provide that for you.

Therapists who work with Gifted ADHD children and pre-teens

Below are our therapists who specialize in working with Gifted ADHD children and pre-teens

~ Counseling for Gifted ADHD children in Charlotte, NC ~

Dandelion Family Counseling provides counseling for Gifted ADHD children in the Southpark area of Charlotte.

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