Club Intro: Social Connections Play Group for Kids Ages 5.5-7
For kids who have too much energy, miss social cues or have trouble focusing and can't make friends.

Your child may not have a diagnosis of ADHD or Autism- but one thing is for sure, they are not doing well. They move non-stop and are always in trouble at school. Sometimes you even wonder if they are capable of focusing. They are not invited to playdates or parties. They have poor social boundaries, and feel left out. They may also talk too much or not enough, but regardless, you just want them to feel comfortable making friends.
➤ Club Intro: Social Skills Play Group for Ages 5.5-7 will help your child…
- Make friends and have more play dates
- Be less reactive towards peers
- Improve circle time behaviors
- Talk less, Listen more
- Be more aware of how much they move
- Feel understood
- Complain less
- Not interrupt
- Stay on task
- Not dominate the conversation or play choices
- Be less bossy
- Speak up and be assertive
- Transition between activities
- Ask appropriate questions
- Be more mindful of personal space and boundaries
- Smile and laugh more
- Love to go to school
➤ Club Intro: Social Skills Play Group for Ages 5.5-7 will help parents…
- Worry less about how your child is doing at school
- Have fewer emails home from teachers
- Find support on applying to schools
- Feel more confident that your child has friends and direction
- Know the next steps for social and emotional skills
- Have answers for teachers on how to best support your child
➤ Our Club Intro: Social Skills Play group is the most effective way to take your child from talking too much and forgetting to listen, to being the kid with plenty of play dates and birthday invitations.
Here’s why…
- We use therapist-led collaborative playing skills to teach better social and emotional skills.
- We teach building friendships through playing, while naturally teaching skills like not interrupting, staying on task and being effectively assertive.
- We know that kids don’t learn from worksheets. We use unstructured play settings so that kids can learn social skills in a real setting, which transfers to home and school.
- We provide weekly updates on goals, behaviors and social concerns, including improvement towards lagging skills.
- Our targeted curriculum is research based and has shown significant social improvement for members who commit for a minimum of 4 consecutive months.

I'm Haley
➤ The Specifics:
- The group investment is $110 weekly, paid in 1-month blocks.
- Group is 45 minutes per week and led by Haley Little, LCMHC, RPT. In addition, we also utilize co-leaders which are graduate level therapists typically attending local universities and completing internship hours towards graduation.
- Bi-weekly individual updates from co-leader to share specific goals and strategies for at home/school.
- Every 3 months goal updates- meet with our co-leader to develop new target goals and discuss the progress we have seen.
Interested in learning more?
Sign up here to request a time to learn more about our groups and sign up for the Dandelion Kidz Club program. We have limited availability in our play groups.