Club Intro: Social Connections Play Group for Kids Ages 4-5.5

For kids who cannot make it through a day at school without getting in trouble.

Kids ages 4 to 5.5 have a lot going on. But for your kid, they talk too much, don’t listen, have few or no friends, and may even be moments away from being kicked out of preschool.

➤ Club Intro: Social Skills Play Group for Ages 4-5.5 will help your child…

  • Make friends and have more play dates
  • Have fewer tears or less worry about going to school
  • Be less reactive towards peers
  • Improve circle time behaviors
  • Listen more
  • Not interrupt
  • Stay on task
  • Not dominate conversation or play choices
  • Be less bossy
  • Speak up and be assertive
  • Transition between activities
  • Ask appropriate questions
  • Be more mindful of personal space and boundaries
  • Smile and laugh more
  • Love to go to school

➤ Club Intro: Social Skills Play Group for Ages 4-5.5 will help parents…

  • Worry less about how your child is doing at school
  • Find support on applying to schools
  • Have fewer missed school or workdays
  • Feel more confident that your child has friends and direction
  • Know the next steps for social and emotional skills
  • Have answers for teachers on how to best support your child

➤ Our Club Intro: Social Skills Play group is the most effective way to take your child from feeling misunderstood and lonely to confident and excited to go to school.

Here’s why…

  • We use therapist-led collaborative playing skills to teach better social and emotional skills.
  • We teach building friendships through playing, while naturally teaching skills like not interrupting, staying on task and being effectively assertive.
  • We know that kids don’t learn from worksheets. We use unstructured play settings so that kids can learn social skills in a real setting, which transfers to home and school.
  • We provide weekly updates on goals, behaviors and social concerns, including improvement towards lagging skills.
  • Our targeted curriculum is research based and has shown significant social improvement for members who commit for a minimum of 4 consecutive months.

I'm Haley

I help kids ages 4-5.5 who are always in trouble in their classroom to gain confidence, build friendships and be prepared for Elementary school.

➤ The Specifics:

  • The group investment is $110 weekly, paid in 1-month blocks.
  • Group is 45 minutes per week and led by Haley Little, LCMHC, RPT. In addition, we also utilize co-leaders which are graduate level therapists typically attending local universities and completing internship hours towards graduation.
  • Bi-weekly individual updates from co-leader to share specific goals and strategies for at home/school.
  • Every 3 months goal updates- meet with our co-leader to develop new target goals and discuss the progress we have seen.

Interested in learning more?

Sign up here to request a time to learn more about our groups and sign up for the Dandelion Kidz Club program. We have limited availability in our play groups.

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