Autism Treatment in Charlotte

Helping your child gain confidence in who they are.

What is Autism?

Autism is a neurological and developmental disorder that impacts how the person interacts with others, communicates, learns and acts. It is oftentimes viewed as deficits in social communication and a tendency towards restricted or repetitive behaviors, interests or activities. But, in reality, it is so much more.

➤ What are the signs of Autism in Children?

  • Minimizing eye contact or seems like they are looking through while looking at you
  • Always a step or two behind in social interactions
  • Lack of pretend play or only repeats what they have seen in play
  • Challenges with transitions or unexpected changes in routine
  • Tendency to repeat phrases or words from shows they have watched
  • Tendency towards stimming behaviors (rocking, flapping, etc)
  • Very specific and limited interests
  • Minimal interest in engaging with peers
  • Increased sensory challenges
  • Tendency towards lining things up
  • challenges in understanding humor and sarcasm
  • challenges in connecting with peers their age
  • Tendency towards being monotone or overly loud with minimal voice fluctuation
  • Overly literal interpretation of situations or interactions
  • An intense expert in specific topics
  • May talk over others without awareness that they are talking
  • Misses social cues
  • low level of expressed empathy
  • may have violent outbursts
  • may have temper tantrums in excess of their peers

Is this your child or teen?

➤ Autism is a spectrum. Our staff are trained to support Autistic children and teens that meet the following criteria:

  • Level of social interest present
  • Fully, or close to fully verbal. Echolalia may be present
  • Ability to co-regulate with supports
  • Ability to be redirected with supports
  • Interest in playing and interacting with others
  • Openness to learning about topics such as emotions, flexible thinking, social skills, etc

They absolutely do! In fact, oftentimes it is recognized that Autistic persons have an extremely deep experience of emotions, but it is a challenge for them to express it. So imagine having all the feelings, without words to name what it is because you also have an overly literal viewpoint on things, and struggle to connect a feelings chart with the actual feelings you are experiencing. Emotions are just really complex and that can make it challenging for an Autistic person to express it in ways that others do.

This is an inaccurate interpretation of challenges! They are often very empathetic and aware, but struggle in expressing it in a way that others can understand.

Absolutely! And parents often call them temper tantrums and meltdowns, but just like everyone else, mood swings are 100% normal.

Absolutely! In fact, many Autistic persons crave social interactions and friendships. They will oftentimes find their people once allowed to join groups of other like minded kiddos, which are oftentimes neurodivergent themselves!

Just like it helps anyone else! Therapy is an opportunity to support an Autistic person in learning more about themselves. We work on self esteem and confidence, emotional regulation, learning about how to express themselves etc. There are no limitations in how therapy can support Autism.

Is this your child or teen and you’re ready to make a difference today?

The Dandelion Difference

We do our best to make the process of therapy exactly what you need.

Yoga and Mindfulness

Social Skills Classes

Weekly Parent Sessions

Teacher Recommendations

Unlimited Calls and Email

Written Accommodations

Due to our intensive parenting support process, in addition to individual weekly child sessions, weekly parenting sessions are expected at the beginning of therapy.  The duration of these sessions depends on the level of distress in the family and the level of parenting needs. With meeting weekly, many families meet their goals in 6-8 months!

Therapists in Charlotte who work with Children & Teens

Below are our therapists who specialize in Autism Treatment

~ Treatment for Autism in Charlotte, NC ~

Dandelion Family Counseling provides treatment for Autism in the South Park area of Charlotte.

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