ADHD counseling for ADHD Girls
Supporting ADHD Girls in meeting their full potential
Is your ADHD daughter facing unexpected challenges? Sometimes, struggles that were always present become more apparent over time. Stop and reflect on her earlier years – can you detect a shift in her behavior?
The reality is that many ADHD girls often go undiagnosed until they reach the ages of 13-15. Academic demands can intensify, revealing a different side of your daughter, one that’s grappling with unique challenges. A student who once excelled may now find herself barely passing, and a once social and talkative daughter might be retreating from friends and family alike. Homework becomes a prolonged ordeal, stretching into the late hours, with more distractions than you ever thought possible. Something has changed, and your intuition may be right; your pre-teen daughter may be navigating undiagnosed ADHD.
Undiagnosed ADHD is particularly common among girls, especially those with the inattentive type who are skilled at hiding their challenges. As they enter high school, pre-teen girls with undiagnosed ADHD may experience significant academic, social, and emotional hurdles. However, their fixation abilities, often viewed as special skills or ‘superpowers,’ contribute to their ability to blend in, increasing anxiety and potentially causing social struggles. Consider the immense energy they devote to keeping up academically, leaving little room for other aspects of their lives.
If you’re observing these signs in your daughter, it’s crucial to explore the possibility of ADHD and provide the support she needs to thrive academically, socially, and emotionally. Together, we can navigate this journey and empower your ADHD daughter to unlock her full potential.
➤ Living as an undiagnosed ADHD Girl
This is so incredibly common. Our girls often work so hard to blend in that they are viewed as academically achieving and are oftentimes viewed by teachers as ‘perfectly fine’. These girls spend so much energy just trying to fit in, that they are oftentimes anxious, moody, overreactive, sarcastic and disrespectful! Other times, they hold it together even at home. In fact, many ADHD girls are later prone to perfectionist / workaholic tendencies – All because they tried so hard for so many years to act like everything was fine, when in reality, it was anything but fine. Early awareness and counseling can truly make a difference in supporting an ADHD girl in reaching their full potential- which means decreasing their anxiety, increasing self-esteem, and preventing the depressive cycle that so many women with ADHD experience as adults
Are you ready to start today?
The Dandelion Difference
We do our best to make the process of therapy exactly what you need.
Yoga and Mindfulness
Social Skills Classes
Weekly Parent Sessions
Teacher Recommendations
Unlimited Calls and Email
Written Accommodations
Due to our intensive parenting support process, in addition to individual weekly child sessions, weekly parenting sessions are expected at the beginning of therapy. The duration of these sessions depends on the level of distress in the family and the level of parenting needs. With meeting weekly, many families meet their goals in 6-8 months!
Therapists who work with ADHD Girls
Below are our therapists who specialize in working with girls with ADHD.
~ Therapy for ADHD Girls in Charlotte, NC ~
Dandelion Family Counseling provides therapy for girls with ADHD in the South Park area of Charlotte.