We Are ADHD Specialists
We specialize in all areas of ADHD. Our team of experts focuses on unique areas of ADHD to ensure children ages 4-13 are supported. We know it is exhausting parenting kids with ADHD- so we are here to help. Here is what makes us different:
➤ We're ADHD specialists:
All of our therapists have done extensive trainings and readings in order to be the experts in ADHD. Michelle and Alyse are also yearly presenters at the Rankin Institute on understanding the ADHD child. Learn More.
➤ We specialize in Gifted ADHD kids (2E with ADHD):
Michelle is SENG certified and was requested as a presenter at the Charlotte Mini-Conference in 2019. Michelle and Alyse are monthly presenters at Metrolina Regional Scholars Academy with Michelle providing both teacher and faculty trainings as well as parent trainings on social-emotional learning for the 2E child and Alyse speaking on topics regarding the Gifted and anxiety. Learn More.
➤ We specialize in Angry ADHD kids:
Michelle is trained in Synergetic Play Therapy which specifically focuses on helping ADHD and Autistic kids learn to regulate and reduce their angry tendencies. Michelle has also completed training through Dr. Ross Green on his Collaborative & Proactive Solutions (CPS) model. Learn More.
➤ We specialize in Anxious ADHD kids:
Robert, Alyse and Ashley focus extensively on independent training on anxiety in order to best support kids with anxiety. Robert has training in CBT techniques for anxiety. Alyse uses her training in Yoga and Mindfulness and Ashley uses creative and expressive techniques all focused on supporting kids with anxiety. Learn More.
➤ We specialize in kids that have both an ADHD and Autism diagnosis:
Michelle is certified through PAST in the UK for working with kids with Pathological Demand Avoidance. Alyse has been trained through the Carolina Institute for Developmental Disabilities (CIDD) and TEACH at UNC with a specific focus on Aspergers. They both specialize with the combination of diagnoses.
➤ We specialize in social skills development for ADHD children:
Our year round social skills groups are designed for ADHD kids ages 4-13. We work to help our group children and pre-teens self-manage and self-regulate in an environment that imitates real life. We teach how to navigate social boundaries and relationships.
➤ We specialize in preschoolers with ADHD:
Ashley is a prior preschool teacher and uses this experience to support parents in understanding and normalizing preschool behaviors and distinguishing those from ADHD type behaviors.
➤ We specialize in intensive Parenting services for families with ADHD children:
All our staff provide intensive weekly parenting support. Michelle offers this parenting approach from a Synergetic Play Therapy (SPT) approach and has completed training through Dr. Ross Green on his Collaborative & Proactive Solutions (CPS) model. Mirela, Mia and Haley are also trained in CPS and use this approach. Robert offers parenting from a neurobiological approach and integrates neurofeedback as appropriate. Alyse offers parenting from a Mindfulness approach. Ashley uses both mindfulness and an Internal Family Systems approach as well as SPT.
➤ We specialize in offering Neurofeedback for ADHD kids:
➤ We specialize in offering Yoga and Mindfulness services for ADHD:
Alyse is a Registered Yoga Teacher and utilizes yoga to increase concentration, awareness and reduce hyperactivity. Learn More.
➤ We specialize in IEP/504 planning for ADHD kids:
Alyse previously worked in the school system doing psycho-educational testing as well as served as an IEP/504 advocate. She knows the IEP/504 process inside and out. Learn More.
➤ We specialize in understanding and deciphering your child’s ADHD psychological report:
Alyse and Mia offer IEP/504 plan support. Alyse previously worked in the school system doing psycho-educational testing as well as served as an IEP/504 advocate.
We’re ADHD specialists.
We know ADHD. We live ADHD. Some of us are ADHD. Our team of ADHD specialists have extensive experience and training in understanding, supporting, and teaching families to have greater confidence, stronger relationships and a better understanding of their ADHD child.