Why Choose the social skills YOGA group for 7-10 year olds

Kiddos with ADHD and ASD are very susceptible to struggle with social skills and regulating their bodies. For instance, having difficulty sitting still, engaging in conversations, with others, taking turns, social cues, understanding emotions, and responding to others emotions can all be quite difficult! Sometimes understanding how their bodies feel when they have certain feelings can be very helpful and allow them to calm down in situations where they are very upset, frustrated, irritable, or angry. With that being said, it is very important to teach these kiddos how to interact with the world around them in a way that they feel comfortable and that others would want to engage with them. These kiddos just have a different way of communicating and expressing how the feel that may cause them some distress and decrease their self-esteem and self-confidence.

Yoga and mindfulness are a great tool and resource to use to increase emotional expression, body awareness, healthy coping skills, and reduce restlessness. Yoga can increase confidence and self-esteem and reduce feelings of anxiety. These are skills that kiddos can utilize as they grow older.

In addition to yoga and mindfulness, the yoga social skills group integrates a structured social component that will work on all the social skills discussed above.

Want to learn more? Click here for ages 7-10

Interested in yoga for ages 4-6? Click here


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