ADHD: Let’s Talk Minimalism

This is a GREAT way to start off a New Year!!

How can minimalism impact kiddos with ADHD? First, we need to define minimalism and why it is so popular.

Minimalism: extreme spareness and simplicity

Minimalism lifestyle: intentionally focusing on what really matters

In our current society, there is so much focus on accumulation and this trickles down to our children. They accumulate material things (toys) and feel like they will be happier if they have more and more things. In brain science we know that when we get new, shiny, exciting things, we are filled with happy hormones. They eventually wear off, leaving us seeking the next new thing to get our fix. 

How can this impact a kiddo with ADHD? Children with ADHD often live in a state of chaos due to how their brains function. They struggle with organization, problem solving, and planning. If a kiddo’s inside world is chaotic, the outside world will often mirror that: Chaos, chaos, chaos!!! This may look like you walking into your kiddo’s room and finding clothes strewn on the floor, food wrappers everywhere, an unmade bed, books scattered across furniture, and overall disarray. Despite appearances, they will often be able to find what they are looking for, but forget about organizing the mess; that’s way too overwhelming! This is where minimalism can come in. 

Minimalism allows kiddos to have less options, which means it is less likely for them to feel overwhelmed. This also teaches them to need less, make choices, prioritize and practice organizational skills. This approach can be used as a new family principle or tradition that can benefit everyone in the home. After we have discussed this very simple example, think about other ways in your life that you can utilize minimalism and how it may even benefit you as a parent. Remember, as the parent you are modeling for your child.


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